another Quests
Alte Buchseite
The Alten Buchseiten are needed to complete the quest"Die Forschung".
Accept and Complete from Buchhändler (there is one in every capital).
As soon as you have an Alte Buchseite, you can go to the Buchhändler. He tells you which 30 mobs you have to kill.
The reward is level based, EXP and coins increase the higher your level is.
There are several differen Schatzkarten, Xuanji, Alte Schatzkarten, Drachenschatzkarten and Eventschatzkarten (Helloween usw). Right click on the to use it and a window with coordinates will open. The used Schatzkarte is stored individually in the inventory and should NOT be thrown away.
Using the Schatzkarte opens a small window with coordinates. This window should only be closed when you have reached the coordinates, because it cannot be opened again. Attention: Pay also attention to the map indicated in the window, otherwise one can look for oneself stupidly under circumstances.
At the correct coordinates you use the single stored Item with right click and wait what happens.
If you are lucky, you will get the Schatzmeister (also called Glücksgott ) or Schatzsuchmeister, different Schatzkisten, Sternen- or Mystischen Hammer, a Sack voll Gold (bag full of gold) or poisonous gas, which takes away a large amount of HP.
If you get coordinates that you don't want, you have to cancel Schatzkartenquest in the questlist to be able to use a new Schatzkarte. This also applies if you have closed the coordinates window or deleted the used Schatzkate .
In Fengdu there is a coordinate which is incorrect.
Displayed coordinate: x2078 z2177
Correct Coordis: x2090 z2176
The Glücksgott can spawn on every map, so it is important to find him as soon as possible, because he disappears after 30 minutes. With the normal skills you only do 1 damage to the Glücksgott , no matter how much you have improved your skills or how well your weapon is improved. That's why it is recommended to simply run the autohit here. But there are exceptions... The "Wut des Donners" skill deals up to 960 damage and the "Phönix Puls" of the Yang talent deals significantly more damage than any autohit, depending on skill level. If you don't have these possibilities at your disposal, you will have to rely on the help of other players, because alone you are NOT able to lay the Glücksgott with 1 damage within half an hour.
However, if you have improved all your equipment so well that you get to over 100,000 points of damage, you no longer need any tricks or help to defeat the Glücksgott on your own.
The Glücksgott drops a lot of good things: Gold, Schatzkisten, Hämmer, Himmlische Münzen ect.
When you get a Schatzsuchmeister, a new window with coordinates appears.
Attention: This window cannot be opened again either, so write down coordinates or do not close the window.
Every player with a 3-group can address a Schatzsuchmeister, so hurry. If he was addressed, Sternenjäger will appear at this point. They drop Schatzkisten, Hämmer for the Schatzkisten, Goldenes Garn, Edler Aufwertstein, Sternen Runen, Geisterjäger Ringe, Meridian Kristall etc.
There are different types of Arten von Schatzkisten.
Important to know: for blue Schatzkisten you need blue Hammer (Mystischen Hammer) and for green Schatzkisten you need green Hammer (Sternenhammer).
There are also Staubige and Goldene Kisten, but you don't need any opening tools for them.
Clan Botschafter
The quest „Der Ursprung des Clans“ can be accepted by the NPC Yuande Renjun. (this NPC can be found in every capital, except Dragon Castle) This quest goes over several rounds.
First you have to accept the quest Der Himmelkristall, now you get a crystal and the quest itself can start.
You can play a total of 30 rounds, the NPC will either ask you to get some items, mostly items from the grocery Krämerladen, or to contact certain NPC's.
The more rounds you complete, the more EXP you get. You can also earn bonus points after every 10 rounds by finishing with a 7 - this can be calculated, as each crystal has a different value. The rewards are clan items.
Kristall -- Points
Yang Kristall -- 1
Yin Kristall -- 2
Sonnen Kristall -- 3
Luft Kristall -- 4
Element Kristall -- 5
