Production skills
As soon as you enter Dragon Castle, you can go to "Production Master Tan Shi" and learn three of a total of 10 different production skills. You can unlearn these from this NPC at any time and learn another one.
Production skills currently have 6 lvls, which enable you to produce better items, among other things.
If you change the production skill, you have to lvl the skill again when you learn it again.
List of production skills
With this skill you can mine ores (iron, crystal, silver, criatl and gold ore) and grasses (ghunxin, xiaku, autumn, winter and dong grass).
This skill can be used to mine leather, flax, wool, cotton and silk, which then yields leather, linen, wool, cloth and silk. You can also use this skill to grow mushrooms and food.
With this skill you can upgrade and downgrade all ores and grasses.
Under Processes you can produce coal, quartz, magnet, iron and platinum.
With this you can upgrade and devalue all substances and foodstuffs (meat, spring water, mushrooms, mycelium and spices).
Under Processes you can make Beautiful Fabric, Beautiful Fur. Silk Fabric, Feather Fabric and Raw Silk.
Produces many different medicines that you can use to replenish your HP + MP and vitality.
Examples: HP+MP pills, potions (ginger juice), divine healing (toad qi pill, peony orbs), regeneration (ration pill, meditation dust), bandages (to heal injuries), special jewels (recover jewel + 15 mp restoration, heal jewel + 15 hp restoration).
In addition, you can make quite a bit of buff food with cooking.
Examples: Pet food and food powder for the pet, as well as common food (bao, chicken soup), special food (rice dough, moon biscuit) and alcohol (rice wine, sweet wine).
Special items for quests: Purple Jade, Festival Food, etc.
With this you can make weapons of all kinds and for every class yourself, or weapon patterns if you want to make your weapon at the NPC.
You can also make a whole range of whetstones that regenerate the durability of your weapon or give a buff that increases weapon or magic combat.
Special items for quests: YinYang Sword, Festival Lantern, Armour Star, etc.
With this you can make your own heavy armour (except cloak), or armour patterns if you want to make your armour at the NPC.
You can also make identification scrolls and cloth stars.
Special items for quests: Green Armour, Festival Bell, etc.
With this you can make your own cloth armour and cloaks, or cloth patterns if you want to make your armour at the NPC.
You can also make the so-called Vita costume and jewellery stars.
Special items for quests: verdigris robe, festival robe, etc.
With this you can make jewellery (rings, necklaces and pendants) of all kinds, or jewellery patterns if you want to make your jewellery at the NPC.
You can also make drills and weapon stars and transform weak jewels into +4 jewels.
Special items for quests: cloud bank, festival jewellery etc.
This can be used to dismantle weapons, armour and jewellery into mats.
In addition, this skil can also dismantle weapons, armour and jewellery into seals.
