
The zither players cause magic damage at long range. For some opponents, the powerful attacks will be deadly. In addition, zither players have excellent means of protecting themselves and allies. By playing their music on the zither, they can strengthen the attack and defence. With these skills, they are a welcome addition to any group. Zither players in a group are often the key to victory. Their attacks are very fierce and their support skills are second to none.

-Healing skills
-Buffs for themselves and allies

Skill suggestion

The most important zither skills are: Melody Attack (1) and AOEs: Devil Sound (19) and Master of the Winds (12).

There are several helpful buffs for the player. Elemental Ray (2), Inspiration (16), Proud Mountain (17) and Wild Goose (18).

With Grey Soul (5) you can heal yourself or a Grp member's MP.

With all the skills mentioned, the corresponding passive skills are just as important!

Skill explanations

No Namen Description
A Basis Zither Basic Zither improves the status values of Qi, Magic and Precision. Required for other Zither talents.
1 Melodieattacke Attacks an opponent and causes 48 damage. Can cause the effects Shatter (Body Protection decreases by 388), Dodge (Magic Protection decreases by 345), or Cracked (Armour decreases by 330).
2 Düster Wolken Make the opponent's armour brittle and deal an additional 50 damage for each debuff.
3 Nessies Lied Deals minimal damage and reduces the opponent's hit chance by 12%.
4 Meeresmelodie Increases the effect of Nessie's Song by 8%.
5 Graue Seele This tune is elegant and graceful. MP recovery is increased by 40 for 10 minutes.
B Ruhiger atmen Extends the duration of Grey Soul by 20 minutes.
6 Assistent Zither Assistant Zither improves the status values of Qi, Magic and Precision. Required for other Zither talents.
7 Kaputte Fäden Deals considerable damage and brings the effect of Thread Rupture, reducing enemy weapon combat and magic combat by 13.
8 Zerstörte Melodie Boosts Thread Crack and reduces the effects of Weapon Fighting and Magic Fighting by 13.
9 Palastschlag Transforms the effect of Shatter into Palace Strike, reducing the enemy's max HP by 249.
10 Horn Haken Transforms the effect of Soften into Horn Bite, reducing the max MP of the opponent by 249.
11 Feder Pinsel Transforms the effect of Cracked into Feather Strike, reducing the opponent's max Stamina by 10%.
12 Meister der Winde Deals 87 damage and plays the Melody of Nature to control the power of the wind. All enemies within 5 metres are blown 13 metres away.
13 Schwerkraft Boosts the effect of Master of Winds and binds enemies for 4.5 seconds.
14 Elementenstrahl Increases the magic combat of you and your nearby allies by 14 for 15 minutes.
15 Voller Geister Restores 333 HP to the target while under the effect of Grey Soul. Cancels the effect of Grey Soul.
16 Inspiration Increases the magic and physical damage of yourself and your teammates by 64 for 15 minutes. Cancels the effect of Proud Mountain and Wild Goose.
17 Stolzer Berg Increases attack and defence of yourself and team partners by 54 for 15 minutes. Cancels the effect of Inspiration and Wild Goose.
18 Wildgans Increases body and magic protection for yourself and team partners by 148 for 15 minutes. Cancels the effect of Inspiration and Proud Mountain.
C Profi Zither Profi Zither improves the status values of Qi, Magic and Precision. Required for other Zither talents.
19 Teufel Sounds This horrific sound can pierce through anything and confuses the mind. Deals damage to nearby enemy groups and paralyses for 3 seconds.
20 Verletzende Gefühle Boosts the damage of Devil Sounds by 92.
21 Seelenloses Pulver Deals 65 damage and if the opponent is affected by Shatter, Soften or Cracked, their speed is reduced by 30% for y seconds.
22 Albtraum Causes the enemy to fall asleep and puts them into Nightmare status for 10 seconds. Enemies that are asleep can recover HP quickly.
23 Angst im Schlafe Enemies in Nightmare status lose 2% of their MP per second.
24 Albtraum Angriff Deals 65 damage and instantly wakes up sleeping enemies and creates the effect of startle.
25 Drachenrufe Continuously restores 95 MP per second to teammates within 15 metres. Movement or use of other skills cancels this effect.
26 Lied des Drachen Reduces the cooldown time of Dragon Calls by 15 seconds.
27 Ein echtes Herz Continuously restores 108 HP per second to teammates within 15 metres. Movement or use of other skills cancels this effect.
28 Lautlos Reduces the cooldown time of A True Heart by 15 seconds.
D Meister Barde Master Bard improves the status values of Qi, Magic and Precision. Required for other Zither talents. (lvl 80)
29 Offene Medizin Causes significant damage and puts the opponent into Surrendered status for 10 seconds.
30 Tod During the Surrender state, significant damage is inflicted and the opponent is paralysed for 6 seconds. Afterwards the status disappears.
31 Seele kehrt zurück During the Surrender status, significant damage is inflicted and the opponent falls asleep for 30 seconds. The status then disappears.
32 Fließender Atem During Surrender status, inflicts significant damage and reduces MIND RELIEF by 200 for 15 seconds.
33 Sinnestäuschung Inflicts significant damage and has a 40% chance to reduce the opponent's magic and body protection by 215.
34 Gebrechlich Enhances Sense Deception and increases its chance to reduce Defence.
35 Rennende Pferde Consumes MP continuously while increasing the movement speed of your nearby teammates by 30%.
36 Rassendes Herz Boosts the effect of Racing Horses and reduces MP consumption by 1%.
37 Verlorenes Heiligtum 3% chance to attack attackers directly.
38 Rückkehr des Königs Can be used to increase your own morale or the morale of your team mates by 30% for 120 seconds.
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